To move back and forth across your document, click and drag the horizontal scroll bar back and forth. To move up and down your document, click and drag the vertical scroll bar up and down. The horizontal scroll bar is located just above the status bar. The vertical scroll bar is located along the right side of the screen. The vertical and horizontal scroll bars enable you to move up, down, and across your window simply by dragging the icon located on the scroll bar. The Vertical and Horizontal and Vertical Scroll Bars The horizontal line next to the cursor marks the end of the document. As you type, your text displays at the cursor location. The blinking vertical line in the upper-left corner of the text area is the cursor. Just below the ruler is a large area called the text area. Click the check box next to Ruler in the Show/Hide group.If your ruler is not visible, follow the steps listed here:
You can use the ruler to change the format of your document quickly. Clicking the dialog box launcher gives you access to additional commands via a dialog box.
You may also find a dialog box launcher in the bottom-right corner of a group. You click buttons to issue commands or to access menus and dialog boxes. Within each group are related command buttons. At the top of the Ribbon are several tabs clicking a tab displays several related command groups. The Ribbon is located near the top of the screen, below the Quick Access toolbar. In Microsoft Word 2007, you use the Ribbon to issue commands. You use commands to tell Microsoft Word what to do. When you save your document, you assign the document a new name. As you open additional new documents, Word names them sequentially. Word names the first new document you open Document1. The Title bar displays the title of the document on which you are currently working.
Next to the Quick Access toolbar is the Title bar. You can use Save to save your file, Undo to rollback an action you have taken, and Redo to reapply an action you have rolled back. By default Save, Undo, and Redo appear on the Quick Access toolbar. The Quick Access toolbar provides you with access to commands you frequently use. Next to the Microsoft Office button is the Quick Access toolbar. You can use the menu to create a new file, open an existing file, save a file, and perform many other tasks. When you click the button, a menu appears.
#Microsoft mouse software vista install
If you are using a Microsoft keyboard and mouse desktop product, you may also need to download and install IntelliType Pro keyboard software.In the upper-left corner of the Word 2007 window is the Microsoft Office button. After the download is complete, double-click the installation file to start Setup. When downloading, select the "Save" option to save the installation file to a location on your hard disk.
#Microsoft mouse software vista windows 7
Supported Operating Systems: - Windows 7 - Windows Vista - Windows XP (32-bit only) Other: Hard Drive: - IntelliPoint for Windows: 100MB of free space * Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7 Windows Vista Windows XP The Windows 7 Flip feature can be assigned to a mouse button.The Magnifier feature is integrated with the magnifier in the Windows 7 operating system.You can configure the software for automatic updates and opt-in to participate in our customer experience improvement program. You can also modify mouse settings, such as pointer speed and precision, and scrolling speed and acceleration. Each application you use can have different button assignments. With IntelliPoint mouse software, you can reassign mouse buttons-including the wheel button-to perform commands like Undo or Copy, or run a macro. IntelliPoint software enables you to customize the unique features of your Microsoft® mouse to fit your needs.